Author name: Keith Conrad

Starting a Podcast in 2024: Learn from These Common Mistakes

Starting a podcast can be an exhilarating journey, but it comes with its own set of challenges. I’ve been doing a lot of work on this lately. In 2024, with the podcasting landscape more crowded than ever, avoiding common pitfalls is essential to make your show stand out and maintain longevity.

Crafting a Stellar Launch Plan for Your New Podcast

The launch of a new podcast is much like the maiden voyage of a spacecraft. It requires meticulous planning, a clear countdown, and a splash of excitement to ensure it doesn’t just take off but reaches the stars.

Picking A Hosting Platform For Your New Podcast

You’ve recorded your podcast, you’ve edited it to perfection, and now it’s time to share your voice with the world. But where do you upload it? Your hosting platform is your podcast’s online home.

How to Pick Audio Equipment for Your New Podcast

Entering the podcasting world can feel like walking into a high-tech bazaar: everywhere you turn, there’s gear promising to elevate your audio storytelling. But your podcasting journey should start with the right equipment

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